March 29, 2014

The one where we decided The Edited Wedding to The Wedding...

I have always fancied a wedding at the void deck because that is just us, Malays. So when Baobei and I were deciding on the venue of the wedding etc, we actually wanted to do just one block away from where my sister had her first wedding with the arwah. Initially I thought it would be too sad, because I still miss him all the time, but I thought it will also be nice to remember him.

Before I continue, if you have been reading me you would know that our wedding is kept small. Which means the number is kept small, and that also means our budget is kept small. We initially wanted to have 400 guests; 100 for his parents, 100 for my parents, 100 for his friends and 100 for mine. But after getting response for vendors, we realised this:
  • decor
  • food
  • band
  • bridal
All of these does not get cheaper with the number of guests kept small. For decor, the only discount we get is because we have lesser tables set-up but that only means $200-400 cheaper. For the food, because it is only 400 guests, there will not be many caterers who will take up our wedding considering they can get another wedding on the same date with a typical 800-1200 guests list, and even if they do take up our wedding it will cost between $12-$16 per per person. (We no longer get the $9-11 prices.) For the band, they will not be playing any softer for 400 guests so it will cost the same for 400 guests or 1200 guests. We also can't be paying the mak andam lesser because there's only 400 guests.

So as you can tell, doesn't matter if we have 400 guests or 1500 guests, the cost will be more or less the same if we were to do it under the block. For us, our wedding is an important day of our lives but we are not going to spend all of our savings on a day.

So with that being said, that is how we decided on this. Oh, before that we actually just wanted to nikah at a mosque and then just have a dinner reception for our family members and close friends. But when we enquired at Gurame, a dinner reception vs wedding cost almost the same, in which Baobei said might as well we have a wedding with a pelamin so I will be able to have a wedding. (As it is more important for us girls than guys.)

Our Edited Wedding also includes no exchanging of gifts (dulangs) because like I said in my previous posts that we do not need a day to exchange gifts. He can do it anytime for the rest of our lives together. But Ibu-Baobei did say that we have to exchange sireh dara so only that. As of rings, he will have a platinum band and myself silver with a small diamond, and of course engravings inside! What else...

Oh, we will be tailoring our own nikah outfit In Malaysia and have one outfit with TWB. Our nikah outfit will be recycled for Hari Raya 2015 as well, so yay! Two of my close friends have offered to do photography for our wedding as a gift to us, and I am so touched because we save at least $800. We do not have any videography or wedding cake (but Baobei did say that we should send our bridesmaids and groomsmen to queue for Fluff cupcakes, haha!) because it is intimate, we will be able to remember it well (plus we can count on our social media savvy guests for that and we have no time for cake. We have no bride&groom table because we want to be seated with our families. Our reason for having an intimate wedding because we want it to be something we will always remember for the rest of our lives, so we have more time to mingle with our family and friends instead of just be seated on the pelamin.

That's all. This is our Edited Wedding. People will have one thousand and one reasons to talk about our small intimate wedding but we have a thousand and two reasons why it will be more than just okay. It will be perfect. Well, our kind of perfect.

I usually get very agitated when I know of BTBs who get very dramatic about their wedding when half of the things are not necessarily but I have to understand that everyone has a different prospective of how they want their special day to be, and I respect that. I just wish our Malay friends understand it is not about how much you spend on your wedding that is important, is the marriage after that one day.

Speaking of which, since our honeymoon will only be in May (all thanks to the place where we are going is low season in Jan) we are thinking of having a staycation 3D2N the day after our wedding. I have always fancied Hard Rock Hotel Singapore but any recommendations? While you're at it, anyone knows of a good mattress? (Yes, we need to start mattress shopping and see how much it will costs us.)

Next up, Bachelor&Bachelorette Trip in November!
March 24, 2014

The one with the little conversation...

Baobei: Baby, I think I want to fart.
Me: Fart lah! Unless it is smelly, you go stand at the corner.
Baobei: We must always smell each other's fart bb.
Me: No! We are not husband and wife yet.
Baobei: *starts giggling to himself like a small kid*
Me: NO! I didn't mean it! I didn't think it through!
Baobei: No way! You said it!

This was a conversation we had on a Sunday afternoon after we woke up. Today he says it will be part of our wedding vows. HAHA what did I get myself into, really. And yes, I am still lazy to do wedding updates/talks.

But syukur alhamdulilah. For a moment one door closed, but the other door that was opening? Well it opened wider. Rezeki di tangan Tuhan. Thank you Ya Allah. Our finances are back on track!
March 19, 2014

The one I do a short update...

Hello! Yes, I know that it is the March holidays and I should have more time to blog. Well, I am just as busy like normal school time, just that I have an extra an hour or two worth of sleep. Before I start, if you're looking out for wedding updates, I have none. As of now, our wedding talks are on hold until my examinations are over, which is in May. We have not much to worry about because we have placed our deposits with our two vendors. I did mention we are keeping it small right?

The only thing left for the wedding preps:
  • the finalized design and colour of our baju nikah. This has to be decided by end May before I fly off to Bandung with Mak and parents to get out kain, also with our family. The design will be the only thing that will be kept a secret. 
  • the bridesmaids and groomsmen outfits, and if we need to get the cloth in Bandung. This also means that my sanding baju has to be decided from TWB.
  • our wedding bands (I have two shops in mind)
  • pre-wedding photoshoot in June with our 7 bridesmaids & 7 groomsmen.
The only thing I am currently planning despite so many things in my head is our Bachelorette & Bachelor trip. If you can't guess enough, I can't be apart with my man so we are going to combine ours.  The trip is 6 days 5 nights  and will be ending November (yes, it will be a month to our wedding haha!) but Baobei has just reserved his leave, so I guess it is settled. Will update a proper one soonish. It is not easy to plan a 10-person trip to 2 places you know?

I am super soaked. Going to wash the face mask off now, and sleep. Tomorrow, I have a date.

March 13, 2014

The one where my fiancé saved a life... (phoneblogged)

Today, my fiancé and his team saved a man's life.

I know that for as long as he is a fire rescue specialist in SCDF, for each call he attends to, he will be someone's hero for the day, and I have to share my hero with every life he touches. But this man here will always be my hero every day of my life with him, and more.

Mad proud of you Baobei. You will make one hell of a firefighter. I love you lots!
March 1, 2014

The Engagement of Syhrl & Rnny, 220214

The whole day was very chaotic. For one, Abang's nikah was at 2pm, and we were doing last minute touch-up for the dulangs that was DIY. Alhamdulilah, it was done with one lafaz, and my brother is officially a married man.

Rushed back home because Kak Fad (MUA) needed 2 hours to prepare me before Baobei's family came over. It feels so nice to be seated down, and someone does your hair and make-up. Kindda like a princess feeling, but hey! Now I am just looking forward to my wedding day (haha! tak sabar!).

My two little cosuins, Nikki and Adelle, were like standing at the side and peeping the whole time Kak Fad was doing the make-up. Aunty Jannah later told me that the both of them keep coming out of the room to tell their mummies that I look like a princess. (score!)


We got ready almost on time. About 10 minutes before the boy side to come over. Initially I thought the make-up was too overly done, but people kept saying that it looks great. Not sure if they are being nice but I liked how it appeared on pictures though. The boy side had a slight hiccup and came at 6pm. So... girls being girls,

Shiqs, Sheril, Haiya & Ally 
(The 4 out of 6 bridesmaids)

This time with Dok who is my Maid of Honor.

The two cutie pies who kept me company for hair & make-up.

Kak Ada + Kak Era <3

Friendship since NIE til today...

Friendship since we started poly...

Friends since we were 7 years old...

Friends since we started poly...

Strangers on IG to friends in real life...


The girl cousin of my age and heart... (Shikin)

Then, Baobei who was downstairs what'sapp that his family just arrived. So I switched room and sat down, feeling all sorts of nervousness. I was more curious about my ring though because it is one secret Baobei has kept from me over two months? 

The moment the family arrived and outside discussing. Apparently, what happened was the representative showed the ring, the 'hantaran' and the cake, as well as discussed how long we will be tied down, "One year," which then both parties are aware that the date for the wedding is set.

The pengantin lama (haha few hours old) + Mama

"If you like it then you should ask your mother to put a ring on her."
The sarung cincin moment with Ibu-Baobei.

The rest of the 'important' dulang give by his only sister, Kak Moi.

The girls from The Raja Salim's family and me!

I didn't have a bouquet of flowers to hold because I hate flowers. I actually asked if it was okay if I were to hold shoes instead. So, I make do with Kak Moi's baby boy, Aqeel, as my bouquet. Heh.

The siblings + my new sister, Kak Yaya. 

The one that I call Mak. She's a gem and I love her so much!!!

The little ones.
The Azahar's.
The Imran's.
The Kamal's.
Me + my orang kuats.
Missing Izza who couldnt be here because she's on probation and couldn't miss her flight. So she was on the way to Dubai.

The Double Celebration with our Mak.

Baobei and his orang kuats! (Plus 2 of their plus one)
The missing one here is Wawan.

The closer ones, #butox4.
Nama sesungguhnya tak senonoh. But all of them are ready to mingle, so ladies feel free! Haha.

The Habel's.


Our best men, MOH, bridesmaids & groomsmen.
(and 2 of their plus one)

Me to him (sorry we didn't have an upclose)

Him to me.

The promise ring that we will be Mr & Mrs, and the hantaran.

Our little door gifts; Match boxes with printed labels
'Match made in heaven!'

The boy keeps asking me to order from Hana more because according to him it is the best cake ever!

The boy side representatives.

With Abang, Kak Moi & the little one, Aqeel.

His family.

Two weeks ago, I told people I didn't want to get engaged because it is unnecessary since our wedding is less than a year's time and how that the money we pump in for The Engagement could be used for The Edited Wedding instead. But looking back, I will do this again anytime. The lack of sleep, the rushing through assignments and the nervousness. My colleague, Azri, is right. Girls must experience everything once. The courting, the relationship, the engagement, the wedding, the motherhood.. well everything life has to offer.

I am so glad that we did The Engagement, and I am definitely glad of the man who chose me to spend the rest of his life here, and thereafter. I am thankful of friends who came down early to help me prepare the bunga rampai and calming me down despite a beautiful Saturday.

Above all, I am thankful for my life decisions that brought me to all of these.

Well, 10 months + few days to being Mr & Mrs.

#thekirekattkrown (our together #)